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'Hi, I'm Angela. I have created this podcast because I felt a call from God to get back in touch with my artistic gifts. Since I was a teenager, I was always interested in drama and theatre and often wrote and performed sketches and even stand up comedy as a way to express myself. At 17 years old, I had a deeper experience of my Christian faith and through a mission group that came to my school, I saw the use of drama and art in sharing the gospel and I began to explore this in ministry. Fast forward a few years and I studied Drama and trained as a professional actress and worked in the industry for about 5 years.
Alongside acting, I was also involved in youth ministry in the Church but eventually left professional acting before I was 30 and re-trained as a Religious Education teacher in 2009 . Along the way, I also taught Drama in a few schools. Having almost closed the chapter in performing and writing, I began writing again in 2020 whilst spending time with Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism, UK and felt inspired to begin to create a collection of performance monologues on the women in the gospel. Ultimately, this has led me to producing my artistic work through a podcast, 'A beautiful thing' which is taken from the line that Jesus says to Mary of Bethany, 'She has done a beautiful thing for me' (Mark 14:6). Through creating artistic work and sharing the gospel, I hope to bring something fresh and beautiful to the listener and give in turn something beautiful to God.
I am married and after living in London for many years, I have recently relocated to the countryside and am enjoying the walks in nature.
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I would be grateful if you are able to pray for the work of 'A beautiful thing' and share the podcasts widely so it can reach as many people as possible and of course review the content on your podcast platforms which helps others to know about it. I hope to share the gospel through storytelling and arts, so if you are able to support the ministry further, it would be a blessing to me if you are willing to make any donations on ‘Patreon’ or ‘buy me a coffee’ in order to help fund the creative process of writing, performing, recording and any other necessary costs.